Cocktails & Crafts Relaunch 2022

While the doom and gloom of 2021 shadowed the future, as temptation to stop and let the dream go haunted more moments then the freedom to believe. I have not surrendered my will to keep the concept of a Brick and Mortar location in place. Relaunching one of our favorites events, Cocktails & Crafts!!! Every Wednesday 6:30-8:30. Still here!! Every Expanding into More!!! When we meet in person again there will be more……Lots More!

From my insanity & love for creativity and expression…….Brandi C.

What Better Way to Toast 2022 Then with an original painted Glass!!!

Brandi Cottingham Art & BeArtSee Non Profit Studio and Gallery remain a constant community place where all can join together in a safe space to create, dream and express. Even small expressions make big impressions. Become part of the story we tell together by making your mark on places and experiences like these living in our community.


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STEAM Inspired Art & Craft Camp Summer 2021

FWISD Master Teacher Lori J. & Artist Facilitator Brandi C. join together to present a summer space where young people can grow socially, emotionally and academically through an immersion of STEAM incorporated through fun and creative projects that will be fun and engaging. 3 days a week, 2 sessions a day for 8 weeks. Participants can take 1 session, stay for the entire day or sign up for the week. Each participant will have their session designed by interest and age. Students can bring projects and material from home and/or complete the designed session projects.
Technology free zone unless used as a tool to create art projects!!! Or Call MOM!!!!!
Fun, Creative way to Engage young people
Ages 8 & Older
144 hours of Studio time Offered
When: Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday June 15th thru August 5th
Where: 2952 Crockett RowFort Worth, TX 76107
Time: 9AM-12PM 1PM-4PM

Click on the link below for dates, times and to reserve your Easel!!!

I look forward to sharing my studio with the young artist and creating a super fun space for us all to grow socially, emotionally, artistically and academically through the summer months!

Brandi C.
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Where are you Brandi C. Art?

Short Answer is I’m Still Standing, Creating and Inspired. Longer answer is it’s been an undulation of emotions and experiences over the past 12 months. After all these years and what had been accomplished, working for some of the biggest brands in the world, in one moment I was quarentined, my studio closed and my work poof gone! Without the attention span to update my website or blog I stayed connected through the 10 second FB Stories or the weekly IG Post (@BrandiCArt) I spent those early months focused on my family. Supporting my kids into Virtual classrooms (nightmare), stocking the pantry, emotionally charging myself to keep everyone grounded and peaceful. The occasional tear I allowed to be shed for the lose of freedom to do what I love and connect and share my artist wisdom with both groups, individuals and my heart-work through the Non Profit BeArtSee and the young people served.

I turned to feeding the crows, gardening, baking, exploring french wine, all the normal pandemic house projects while the studio doors remained locked, lights out for what was first planned as only days became months. I found myself right back to where it all began crafting at home with whatever material I could invent from the recycle bin or left over projects of the past. Beer cans became my favorite material as empty ones seemed to be multiplying before my very eyes. Cards, yard ornaments, jewelry. Whatever to keep the creative engine burning! As the days turned into months clients and friends reached out and the commission projects began. I took them all, anything from a $15 pair of custom earrings to digital art of one of our favorite friends mom or the local dermatologist needs of 100 logo make-up bags. From the same spirit I started this madness…saying YES! In the beginning, which is now years ago, I might be in someones back yard hired for a 3 year old birthday party and the next job might take me to California to work with 300 corporate sales folks. As time grew me older my focus had become on BIG jobs without time and energy to do much else. I’ve always felt that all the work big jobs and small affairs are equally important to keep my artist wisdom fully charged learning how to be with all people; big, small, young, old, open or closed.

As the year moved I physically moved the closed studio to another location (2952 Crockett Row, FortWorth, TX 76107) as we slowly started to welcome the community back into our space. 1 day a week! We remain at 1 day a week and are blessed to report we have 1 day when the community is free to come to us and find a space where the easels, materials and support are open to you to come and find your artist for a moment.

Reservations can be made 317-339-7718 Saturdays 1-9PM.

My Non Profit BeArtSee shifted it’s outreach from being the summer camp for young people living in the local shelters to building free libraries for those underserved communities, supporting our local living artist, sharing studio space for artist to give workshops and have space to work, getting free materials to children with desire. And being here for when the “need” comes in to find a way our resources can support our communities thriving once again. Raising awareness and funds to prepare for the work which will come in the days as we move back into our social spaces.

As I write these words I’m mostly working at my home studio these days, the work is trickling in on any given day you might find me building resin “Janky Jewelry”, cutting on my Cricut, firing up my heat press for funky T’s “Boogie Dog Production”, custom greeting cards, acrylic combs, up-cycled beer can frames, vintage jewelry wooden crosses or deeper in thought as I sketch out a local law firms Board Room piece or those dear friends 50th birthday mantel work. Whatever it takes to move through this and into the next expression being without arrogance the work has to be packed with the life blood of being original, unique and a true expression of my heart. Everything that comes out of this space is just as the same as it was before, one-of-a-kind, handmade, infused with love, original and unique. This moment has urged me to design lines that fit everyone’s budget, this moment has caused me to go back in and pull out every technique and material I discovered along the way and meld them into each other. Mixed media is now ALL media! The blending, merging and honoring of it all. The only path I see is worth traveling with everything this last year has taught me! Being open to it all!

Recently I posted on FB @BrandiCottinghamArt “I Promise when You’re ready I’ll be here!” I made that promise to myself first and quickly realized I must again get back into the business of sharing that which was blessed onto me with All-Others!

You have been missed I look forward to seeing you again! Always Expressing Brandi C.


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Public Summer Art Camp Dates


It’s an ART smash! Summer time in the studio is designed for young artist 6-18. Each session is designed to have an original process AND and open studio component. Choosing to work in their own pace and style to create original works! Painting, sculpting, multi media, journaling, sketchy and more…… Each participant will leave with original work to grow their personal portfolio, and completed process in STEM development, super charged inspiration, large dose of artist wisdom, logic on the abstract mind all while being busy with the creative process! What the kids will take away is knowing it was super FUN!!!! Reminder this is technology free zone!


Sign Up

Purchase your Easel Now!


BAS-prelim-logo_0213Its events like these which help raise money for BeARTsee Non Profit!

BeArtSee is a Non Profit organization using the labor of art for social change.  BeArtSee Studio is located in the Crockett Row Development at 2831 W. 7th St., Fort Worth, TX 76107 Through the collaboration of local Fort Worth Artist Brandi Cottingham & Vestar Development for Carlyle/Cypress West 7th LP.


brandi warhol

Brandi Cottingham Lives in Fort Worth, TX she is a mother, facilitator, speaker, writer and artist with a focus on using the creative mind as a powerful tool for creating the life of ones greatest dreams.  Brandi travels across the United States designing Corporate team building, Community Art Projects,  Weddings, Private Parties and individual consulting using Art as a metaphor for her powerful messages.   To book Brandi for your event contact her at brandicottingham@me. com.




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Fort Worth Spring Gallery 2019

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4 The Love of being in the Game

In the past I’ve entered this expression of blogging because something was gnawing deep inside to get out and be shared. A specific experience, story or “ah-ha” accompanied with an urge to be acknowledged through words. Today, it’s as if my heart is clogged up with so many occurrences swirling around in my mad mind I only can be clear that I’m here because of my need for time with the written word. The writer in me yearns to take center stage as I work through and assimilate not the month or season but just the last 10 days.

Serendipity, chance, luck maybe a large serving of them all generously given by some source outside of myself. I attribute this moment to how a baseball player must feel after throwing the perfect game. As if velocity, speed, endurance, focus and the perfect zone has come over my artist and in just a few moments in time years of work have been translated into an exchange of resources, acknowledgment seeing my labor expand away from me, this dream becomes my reality and then grows past me into the lives of others.

I contemplate this strange feeling of emptiness and abundance. This last week I delivered a large part of my personal work to new clients.

Brandi Art-1061

“Play On”

Loading up hours of brush strokes that had attached to them pieces of my soul. Each work had a story of a time and place to which life was brining me inspiration to which I grew. Some of the pieces reminded me of past love, my children when they were younger and needed me more, hard lessons and mental obstacles I’ve face but mostly these pieces where created in a time before I had choose this work as my full time profession. These works expressed a simpler more naive version of myself.  When being an artist was a way I spent my time just for me.


“I See You”

Back then my studio was a sanctuary I would hide myself away from the world and be in private conversations with the quiet voice within. It was a time before my physical body showed signs of dis-ease when I was free and unmasked to use any material to express the rawness of my emotions.


“Lost Oak”

I was naive to what the future held for me, the journey I would take and the courage that would one day reveal itself through this dynamic world of living ones greatest dream. Seeing the new home to which these pieces a long time ago were created and realizing that what seemed like individual works created over the space of years where strangely a full collection and would stay together, would privately live together and seeing them bring joy to the new owners ironically built from some of the toughest of life lessons yet today bringing color and excitement to their personal space. Witnessing the energy of  alchemy; my intention to take that which was dark and translate the energy into lightness! My individual expression is acknowledged as I find the courage to let these works go with the faith I will be inspired once again and my studio walls will not be barren but the emptiness is actually a sign for a new reality. Space now opens to express again!



After making the emotional journey of releasing so much of myself in a moment I quickly shift gears into the part of me that shares my artist with others. The conceptual artist moves in as I design and prepare to facilitate one of the largest projects I realized in the past 24 months. Working with what has become one of my favorite clients feeling the energy build up to pull off this feat as life tosses me curve balls. After years of swinging at whatever ball is thrown, I realize the depths  of the very message I speak in my work, about the importance of the creative mind and the powerful tool it can be utilizing it in more ways than designing my work. Needing to be in ultra focused mode and hit each mark I’m reminded life has it’s own designs. The hours and days become messy. My motherhood is called forth to parent a sick child, the weather becomes damp and humid delaying each stage as I yearn for the hot Texas sun to help in the drying process. Time reminds me of the continuation of each moment and lack of control I have over space without a bull pen behind me life shows me that my conviction alone will be the driving force which will accomplish a victory. The only choice to make is to believe. Believe I am exactly where I’m supposed to be and everything is perfectly orchestrated, that my intention has sourced every moment for my benefit and the future will show me how perfect each obstacle is as a stepping stone for success. My intuition takes over as it guides me through and speaks calmness into my actions with the message to show up in every moment fully engaged and in some mystical way, sometimes illogical, even life will reveal a better plan than the best plan of the past.

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“Lone Ranger & The Lady-N-Red”

The job is delivered, 450 people have been touched by my work. A new headquarters piece is now in full swing as the large expression is now moved into the finalization process in the only space I have large enough to house it. I’m back to where I began 11 years ago…my living room! I should have seen this moment coming as my current studio space tiny and mighty is being shared with the young artist of beARTsee and the open door policy for the community pushes my work back home in the private spaces to which I need to dance with this canvas.


In only a few days I’ve lived in both these scenarios as I barley have time to catch a deep breath before heading back to my real studio to host Fort Worth’s Bi Annual Gallery night. Revealing what 250 hours of summer art camp looks like, changing uniforms from individual artist, to facilitator artist and now standing on the mound of the outreach program Non-Profit beARTsee to reveal the works of the young artist who I’ve grown to love not just for their work but all of their messy little lives!

Together the community peaks their head in to measure and judge our work together. Seeing how art can be used in a therapeutic, fun, educational, emotional and inspiring way to touch the lives of young people and breath life into their personal journeys. There are days that the young artist inside me, the one that revealed 11 years ago, sees the same artist in these young people. The naive silly younger woman who thirsted to feel life. Who willed herself to muster the courage to take the journey into herself. Who fashioned a lifestyle unique to her greatest desires. The original desire was to feel life seemed simple. Intending to use art as a way to heal and develop myself. I didn’t see myself living out the reality I have today. Back then I couldn’t imagine my works leaving my own walls without an inkling someday my work would live in New York, LA and many places between that the canvas and paint would be the bridge for me to work with people all over the world  sometimes involving translators to share my ideas. Looking back I thought what I wanted was simple. Just to know my heART. To be a contribution to myself and that my life would make a difference for others. I didn’t sense it was a dynamic dream because my sub-conscious hid that away from my logic. Knowing that I needed to emotional mature before realizing the expansiveness my dreamer was being. Maybe this moment is not about selling work, facilitating group team building, or sharing the mission of a grassroots Non Profit. Possibly, it’s about realizing I’ve grown to be able to consciously see the vastness of my dreams. The balance between my logic and creative minds have surrendered to each other, no longer vying for more attention, but willing to work together to understand more fully who and what I came her to be.

This week was like the perfect game. Every aspect of my artist; my individual canvas work, my corporate work and my non profit work not only was realized, each one captured it’s greatest victories. All in what feels like one moment in time. The past 11 years converged, opened up and received the fruits of many years of labor.

I write these final words feeling odd emptiness almost like the one that first spiraled me into this journey. I’m comforted by the wisdom I’ve collected knowing that the emptiness is not hollowness. It’s actually the expansion of my consciousness, the new space to which the next game will be played. My logic is on my side these days measuring and judging what all this means. It tells me that then next 11 years will be built from all the experiences of the previous. New work is bubbling up inside each new piece will also be a reflection of every brush stroke that escorted me into this moment. Every tear will be represented in new joyful experiences. This blankness in my heart is a sign not of disconnect but of new beginnings; an open sign to be more of who I’ve been. Knowing that not every time on the field is a perfect game, which is not where success lies, but in the continuation of tossing out that next expression and always swinging beyond the fence!

Heres to Expressing Outside the Box!

Always in Love & Laugher-

Brandi C.

Please become part of the story being told through this work by making a charitable contribution through this link Donate.  Small expressions make big impressions!  Please forward & share our story.

Brandi Cottingham Lives in Fort Worth, TX she is a mother, facilitator, speaker, writer and artist with a focus on using the creative mind as a powerful tool for creating the life of ones greatest dreams.  Brandi travels across the United States designing Corporate team building, Community Art Projects,  Weddings, Parties and individual consulting using Art as a metaphor for her powerful messages.   To book Brandi for your event contact her at brandicottingham@me. com.

brandi warhol

BAS-prelim-logo_0213BeArtSee is a Non Profit organization using the labor of art for social change.  BeArtSee Studio is located in the Crockett Row Development at 827 Currie St., Fort Worth, TX 76107 through the collaboration of local Fort Worth Artist Brandi Cottingham & Vestar Development for Carlyle/Cypress West 7th LP.

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The End of the Beginning

Drinking my last cup of coffee in 2017 is the end of this daily ritual for this year.  The time I contemplate the ideas and dreams of future moments.  I’m committed to this ritual and know that tomorrow, the first day of 2018, will start in the same pattern yet the contemplation piece will be adjourned with the new essence of 2018.  I see imagination and creativity as a tool; It moves like a swirl staring tight in the center like a dot and with every cycle it reaches further out from source into new space.  The energy is still connected to the center but with each rotation an expaned path is carved.  It’s an important quality for those of us who choose to live a life of expansion and creation.


“The Barn At Bayhorse Inn” Grand Opening Fall 2016 Greenwood, IN

I belive energy is like river water.  It doesn’t want to flow where it’s already been, it wants to move and roll across new landscape, through virgin rocks constantly moving. Even in the slightest pool the keen eye can capture the constant flow of the water in a river bed, it’s how a river thrives and becomes a ecosystem  full of life.


BeArtSee young artist designed, created and sold  work to create collage funds, generate income for basic necessity and become contributors to their household and community.

2017 marked the 10th year of my quest to become an artist.  As I write these words I can say this dream carved out my imagination has become the reality for myself, my work and has become the truth for my life story.  10 years ago I had few people who agreed with my artist dream.  Today it is how those around me know me.  When my idea started it was like a dot in my consciousness and with every moment that I believed in that dot it started to swirl.  That one declaration has now circulated around in my consciousness for hundreds of morning coffee rituals.  The dream has grown and enlarged into space.  Places 10 years ago I did not know my thoughts and ideas would spiral out into the world.  That first dot seemed so weird for people around me and honestly myself too.  I’ve learned to embrace the weirdness of me and  what feels outside “The Box” becomes the parameters of the next box that will in time become the center when new ideas pull the box or spiral further out.  As my perspective enlarges to match my thinking my physical world aligns with my thoughts and new realities are birthed.  In my life there will always be the next “Weird Thoughts” the ones hard for the others to understand.  Yet embracing whats different had me embrace my uniqueness which was the quality that lead me to my life work.


Brandi Cottingham Studio became BeArtSee Studio- every weekend open studio is offered for young artist and the community to connect through the labor of making art! 


“70” Birthday Celebration for Max Fort Worth, TX

10 years ago that first thought was the seed that brings me to this cup of coffee today, 3650 days later, contemplating the gratitude of all those who have shared in my dreams becoming reality and that reality being shared with the small little section of the world I live.

I know now the power of my imagination! And I know that today the generosity I feel for you and the role you have played in placing your attention with mine on these dreams. Gratitude for my next ideas crafted out of the same imagination being launched into the world in a powerful energy that will spiral and grow for the next 10 years!


Sales of art from BeArtSee Studio fund outreach programs, fund local artist and merge the collector with the artist! 

I graciously and with full appreciation look into the year of 2017 and see all the people, places, ideas, conversations and experiences that inspired me!  All those tough moments shrouded by conflict, dynamic situations, shredded emotions and obstacles that became the fuel for my personal and professional growth.   All those serendipitous occurrences when life felt mystical and translated beyond the logical mind.


I graciously and with full appreciation look into the year of 2018 and again I see all the people, places ideas conversations and expierences that will inspire me!  All those tough moments shrouded with conflict, dynamic situations, shredded emotions and obstacles that become the fuel of my personal and professional growth.  All those serendipitous occurrences when life is mystical and takes me beyond my logical mind.


FaceBook Grand Opening Perot Ranch North Fort Worth, TX 300 participants.



Launched Non Profit BeArtSee as an Art Outreach organization using the labor of art for social change. 

Thank you for connecting with me.  Sharing life with me.  Seeing this work exist in the world.  2018 is going to be an amazing year!  If you feel inspired to be apart of connecting with others through the artist work.  Support the funding of social action through the creation of community art projects.  Want to see the life of a young person transformed through My Community My Child projects through Non Profit BeArtSee.  Please connect with me, donate and share my work with others.


Young Artist spent summer excavating the artist inside of them releasing the trauma and embracing the strengths of their unique life story!  Collaboration with The Community Food Bank. Fort Worth, TX 


BeArtSee CommunityArt Camp 2017 over 1200 hours of art camp given to undeserved children in Fort Worth.

Have a cup of coffee with me dream with me.  If one naive young dreamer from the Mid West can birth her dreams into reality than what can you do with one thought?  Make it become a wave which becomes a frequency which becomes a particle of reality!  And then you find the magic of the universe that the end is just the beginning of the next amazing happy ending which is the next beginning…Cheers!

BeArtSee is a Non Profit organization using the labor of art for social change.  BeArtSee Studio is located in the Crockett Row Development at 827 Currie St., Fort Worth, TX 76107 through the collaboration of local Fort Worth Artist Brandi Cottingham & Vestar Development for Carlyle/Cypress West 7th LP.

Please become part of the story being told through this work by making a charitable contribution through this link Donate.  Small expressions make big impressions!  Please forward & share our story.

Brandi Cottingham Lives in Fort Worth, TX she is a mother, facilitator, speaker, writer and artist with a focus on using the creative mind as a powerful tool for creating the life of ones greatest dreams.  Brandi travels across the United States designing Corporate team building, Community Art Projects,  Weddings, Parties and individual consulting using Art as a metaphor for her powerful messages.   To book Brandi for your event contact her at brandicottingham@me. com.
brandi warhol

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Crafting a New Reality 


“Reclaiming My Spirit” By Jeanine 12 Year old young artist Fort Worth, TX


For those of you who have been in earshot you’ve heard my tales about the young people who I have been blessed to enter my life and studio. Broken, underserved, defeated, scared, angry, confused, abandoned and homeless with slight expression they enter my world.

Only in this writing do I access and use such labels. I’ve found that if I intentionally choose to see these young people as creative, imaginative, sensitive, amazing souls and believe that my light is powerful enough to penetrate, through the lie these children have become, I will expose the truth in who they came into this life-form to be!

I share a recent story to show how it all unfolds…

When I met her she wouldn’t allow me to take her picture. Every project she worked on quickly and efficiently with pride she measured off each line and got It all “perfect.” Steadfast she didn’t want my feedback to add or layer she was “Finished!” her work was calculated, geometric and controlled…SAFE! As we embarked on her next assignment, I ask all young artist to complete an “Artist Statement”, (it is my way to get these young people to talk about themselves), she like many have very few words unable to access any pride for themselves it became an awkward and fruitless assignment. And so we began a journey together…

At every angle she rejected my invitation to open up and express from the deeper recess of her mind. She got annoyed with me as I continued to find that special carrot that I could place, just outside the shell of her artist mind, which would inspire her to edge out and breathe life into her creative self.

Fortunately, my rebel artist archetype is like Joan of Arch. My commitment to the Artist is rooted deep in my ancestries and their young logics have no will greater than my love to see them freed. As this young spirit checked off another project I rejected her offer of completion and stood my ground she dive deeper. One more brush stroke, one more found object I firmly requested she give me one more piece of her creativity on this project. We batted our words for weeks back and forth until I finally offered her a deal she couldn’t refuse. “If you will go deeper and share more of yourself on this piece, walk with me and allow me to guide your path I will make sure this piece makes it to the Mayor!” And then she was off…she took on the mission and then took over my role too! She no longer needed me to push her she now was telling me she wasn’t finished the project wasn’t complete. She had more to give more to add as idea inspired more ideas her work flooded out of her.

Her artist had been resurrected. Her artist heART was beating and bleeding out into the world. This project lead her on an amazing story when her piece made it the walls of


“The Mayor’s Path”

Mayor Betsy Price’s office and then Betsy wanted to meet her new favorite artist! Totally overwhelmed with pride and self empowerment this young artist now adjusted her dreams to align with her new reality. She declared on video “I know my favorite artist my favorite artist is me!” Then she told everyone who would listen about her work, her time with Mayor Price and the new story that she was now author of her young life.

Sparked by the inspiration and light shed on her she claimed a larger project inspired by her greatest dream. She embarked on a 4 foot cross which would take her months to complete. We started to volley again as I encouraged her to keep working through her now resentment of declaring such a large project. Myself and other volunteers (to include my 8 year old daughter) sat with her created with her added to her project. Her artist was thirsty and we brought her water, when the road got dark we shed light on her path to encourage the continuation of her journey and reach her destination. Just like my motherhood with my own children being the platform for success became the very stage this young person needed to put out the performance that would forever change her young life.

She finished this arduous and complicated project. And then I come in and do my part of this collaborative process. I take her hard work and expression and complete her story as I would my own work. I see her work as equal to mine. She has bleed from her artist veins a beautiful creation as her Regent artist I take the work beyond where the young artist is yet to travel. Finalizing the piece into a work that is not of a fledging artist but one that can hang amongst the great pieces of ones collection. What this did for the young artist was give her feedback her work matters and is celebrated. It gave a shield to stand behind and story she could tell. Her super powers have been activated!


Jeanine’s brother Sammie flexing his artist muscle!

As the cross made it through completion and onto the studio walls it gave the next layer of growth. As the public admired and desired to meet the artist she proudly would leap from her current work to engage these strange people and there questions about who she is and why she creates. Her dream enlarged from the early projects she announced straight A’s and now she pronounced her desires to exchange this piece of work for a college fund. Even rejecting an early offer that didn’t align with her lofty dream.

She continued to create new work and eagerly share about her main work for months as people circulated around this dynamic piece. Being the resident artist of Crocket Row gave this piece a platform for the community to fill this young person emotional bucket while she practiced the art of connecting with many different types of people. I know that this very practice will support her dream of attending college and becoming a doctor!


BeArtSee open Studio

A couple weeks ago on a normal Saturday night my studio was open and my young artist where busy crafting up new works. All eagerly anticipate there next sale. Just like most children they are spending the resources before they are materialized. College funds, new shoes, a fish and new clothes where in the conversation this particular evening. And then a woman entered our space with 3 generations of her family. She was deeply moved by the work both obvious and subtle that was transposing before her eyes. At dinner that evening the family had discussed what she was seeing before her…art being used as a conduit for healing and growth.


Young Artist Jeanine & Vince sell a collaborative work.

She picked out her favorite piece that large cross at the front door and immediately I summoned the young artist to share her story and speak about her work. Which ended with an offer that was exactly the number declared it would sell. Headed to San Antonio we both celebrated that even our dream had been trumped by a generous universe that had even more in store for us! When the email came into my office with the shipping address signed “Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology” it was as if the angels winked at the work that was being done in this small studio in Fort Worth, Texas. Me, an untrained outsider artist facilitator, with a dream to support the collective consciousness by connecting us all with the creator which resides in us all and my young people who have found a new way to express their life story through a path I invite them to travel with me.


Dr. Kelly Cowan connects with Jeanine as artist releases work to her new collector.

The spirit of generosity shrouds over me for this work that has been bestowed on me to provide, all those who have generously become partners to nourish and see it expand, and to the courageous young people who inch out of their fears to vulnerably trust that expressing their heart will be received by a generous and safe community. If you made this far in my story I invite you to add what you can to see our world transform into a place where we all can connect through our creative expressive selves. Are you dreaming? Are you sharing your dream? Are you fueling those dreamers around you with encouragement; money, time, words of affirmation, physical volunteerism any source of nourishment that will fan the internal creative fire. This is just one of many stores I’ve had the privilege to experience first hand in my life. Can you dream with me to see these stories multiply into our consciousness as the collective starts to live beyond the individual dream handed to us from the past into a world that only the conscious dreamer can travel!

brandi warhol

BeArtSee is a Non Profit organization using the labor of art for social change.  BeArtSee Studio is located in the Crockett Row Development at 827 Currie St., Fort Worth, TX 76107 through the collaboration of local Fort Worth Artist Brandi Cottingham & Vestar Development for Carlyle/Cypress West 7th LP.  Jeanine’s college fund as been matched by Fort Worth Business Regent Services owner Bryan Walsh who continues to be a committed supporter of this work and these young artist.

Please become part of the story being told through this work by making a charitable contribution through this link Donate.  Small expressions make big impressions!  Please forward & share our story!

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Mirror Mirror on The Wall

Using the labor or art for social change. At the completion of the 2017 Community Art Camp, which focuses on outreach for underserved children. The Team of BeArtSee, local volunteers and the camps young artist will take the spirit of The Community Food Bank to express a visual story. IMG_3282-1
After turning an unused space into an art camp for 5 weeks the young artist would like to leave The Community Food Bank better than when camp started. It is the dream of young artist to take an ordinary wall and turn into a extradorniary piece of art. The young artist will be using their new tools of collaboration, being dynamic dreamers and consious creators onto the wall and turn it into a mural that will inspire future volunteers and clients of The Community Food Bank.


This project is being used to teach young artist how to take a small idea and scale it into a large reality. Accessing all the learning from 120 hours of art camp to tell their story of how a child with an open heART can become an amazing contributor to their world and the those they touch! Causing a paradigm shift for these young people from being labled as “Underserved” to consious creators serving others in our community! The children will work along side local volunteers who will be learning from the young artist how to use the labor of creating for social action. Be Art of this Story Donate now here: Community Food Bank Mural


brandi warhol

Brandi Cottingham Established BeArtSee Non Profit with the intent to use the labor of creating art for social change.  Become part of the story…your expression matters!



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From My Perspective


“Perspective”                                                                                                                                                     Can Be Seen Michaels Cuisine Fort Worth, TX  Contact for Pricing

There was a time in my young artist life that I used the act of creating  art for emotional therapy.  What was designed for fun became an expression of release.  I found a therapeutic experience happening with each visit to the canvas.  The more time I spent with the canvas the more layers of benefit I started to realize.  The act of creating become a conduit for development of  my perspective.   It was a vessel of growth as an artist, which also inspired the  woman in me to grow and feel safe to reveal herself.

Today my life work has been to share all the wisdom, inspiration and love I have found in my journey and share it with whomever crosses my path.  I use the  world of art as a metaphor for life.  I use the labor of creating art as a kinesthetic learning experience that is physical, practicing a trade or craft, mental, engaging logic through  creativity and imagination and emotional, regulating your emotions to communicate with clarity through accessing honesty and allowing it to be revealed.

When I created “Perspective” it was a time I was challenging my own definitions of life and transforming the obstacles, fear and hardships into something which could inspire me into something greater.  I was facing down my fear and upset in search of my own personal peace.  What the canvas gave to me was the valuable wisdom of 4 point perspective.  The Art world defines perspective in 6 categories from zero to four point perspective and foreshortening.

Using the definitions of perspective in the art world I invite my young artist to “See Like An Artist Sees.”  To see their work and life from as many vantage points they can access.  Just before I declared being an artist I was at zero perspective.  As I spent more time embracing the artist world I grew my perspective and as my artist perspective grew in the safe environment of the inanimate objects of my canvas and paints I grew my emotional perspective.  My work started to communicate to the viewer in a more powerful way as my external relationships became richer with layers of compassion, empathy, insight and love.

“Perspective” was about choosing to see the beauty of life.  Choosing to see the opportunity in any moment.  When I engage a shelled up emotionally wounded young artist (they come in all physical ages), I have them join me in the labor of creativity.  In the moment they do something new, they have changed their perspective in a minute way and that small window now created in their mind can be the opening to an entire new life.  It’s not about the story it’s about the perception of the story that matters most.  If  all of us can shift our perspectives into something that empowers we become conscious creators.  And that my friend is my perspective for all of us, to be dynamic dreamers connecting with each other mutually perceiving the world through the lens of what is beautiful about any moment and especially about our own heART and what we each came to this lifetime to express!


Brandi Cottingham is a Fort Worth Artist/Facilitator working with groups from  2-1000 focused on the spirit of collaboration.  2017 Brandi announced her next creation of BeArtSee-a non profit organization with the mission to use the labor of creating art to impact social change.  BeARTSee Studio is located in West 7th every Friday and Saturday Brandi’s studio is open to the public as a space for all artist to create.  If your heART would like to partner with Brandi and other committed visionary artist and community leaders by contributing to funds which will produce programing for community art projects.  Make your voice heard Donate Today!

brandi warhol


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